11 Jan 2014

Back Stage at Matthew Miller-London Collection: Men 2014-15

For more coverage click below :-)

London Collection:Men Day 2-3 street style

My favourite Street Style form London Collection:Men

This year for London Collection: Men 2014-15 I was shooting street style for PHOENIX Magazine.
This is this first time I have shot for LCM, Such fun experience, loved it!

Here are some of my most favourite street styles just for you.
To view more you can always checkout links bellow.


15 Oct 2012

Caroline Issa

I just love, love, love Caroline Issa. She is on top of my list of the style icon and people I dream to be like.  But do you know what I really love about her!!,  Her gorgeous smile, and her simplicity. She is just unique.
When you come across such personality you get the confidence and the inspiration that, you can absolutely be your self and grow in the fashion industry.  (I at least always thought OMG my style is so simple, how can I work in fashion ever!) You do not need to show off and put on the clothes that are nowhere near to your self. You can be real, simple and easy.  For personality like me who loves fashion yet never would be able to understand the complexity of fashion.  Caroline Issa is true inspiration to me.

I adore her clean and chic style.  And the story of her carrier is so interesting and inspiring, how she moved from finance  to the field of her interest which is of course fashion. She is the executive fashion director of the Tank magazine.

10 Oct 2012

Detached Detail

A little added collar, it make dress look even sweet. It is a clever idea. what do you think ???

5 Oct 2012

Super Sexy Khaki!!

My favorite top "A BUTTON DOWN OVERSIZED SHIRT".  Throw it on top of a skinny or bootcut, tuck it in or let it out it always looks cool.  And to top it up Khaki, like an essential in a wardrobe. There are so many ways to wear the button down shirt. This style of undone button is super sexy, 
love it ! love it ! love it!